Sealing an old ceiling

I have a ceiling with stains on it, not sure if it is water or pee from furry creatures, can I seal it to stop the stain coming through again. With watered down PVA?

Asked by Caz on 15th May 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"Unfortunately not , the stain will come through before the PVA dries. Zinser do some excellent stain blocking paints , both water based and shellac fast drying ones ."
Answered on 15th May 2024 - Member since Oct 2023 - report
"I recommend you to renew the ceiling. I don't know what kind of stains you have on the ceiling, but it might be mold, it's very dangerous for your health and the people in the house"
Answered on 18th May 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"No you must off had some sort of leek
Check they no leak
Then stainblock it mate few times
With zinnzaer or 123 cover stain"
Answered on 22nd May 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"Identify the Cause: Before sealing, try to determine the source of the stain. If it's water damage, ensure that the leak is fixed. If it's from animals, clean the area thoroughly.

Clean the Area: Use a mixture of water and a mild detergent to clean the stained area. Allow it to dry completely.

Use a Stain-Blocking Primer: Choose a high-quality stain-blocking primer, such as Kilz or Zinsser. These primers are designed to cover stains and prevent them from bleeding through the paint.

Apply the Primer:

Ventilate the Area: Ensure good ventilation if you're working indoors.
Prepare the Surface: Lightly sand the area if needed to ensure good adhesion.
Apply Primer: Use a brush or roller to apply the stain-blocking primer over the stain. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for drying times and the number of coats required.
Paint Over the Primer: Once the primer is dry, you can paint over it with your ceiling paint."
Answered on 20th May 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"Any water based paint will pull stain through, Zinnser “bin” stain blocker is the best, cover stain with this first then paint ,"
Answered on 22nd May 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"Zinserrs cover stain is great product. Then use your normal paint when its dry."
Answered on 15th May 2024 - Member since Nov 2023 - report
"I wouldn’t recommend pva use a trade rated stain blocker this is more suitable for the task. Hope this helps 😊"
Answered on 15th May 2024 - Member since Dec 2023 - report
"Hi don't use pva as its a glue. Best option is to seal the ceiling with zinsser cover stain then emulsion over to finish. Hop this helps ."
Answered on 15th May 2024 - Member since Oct 2023 - report
"In my opinion, first check if the stained area is damp or soft. If it is damp you will have to let it dry well, and then if it is not softened, I advise you to give it a coat of Dump seal and let it dry for 12 hours and if you then need to apply filler to even it out and only then paint it with normal paint."
Answered on 15th May 2024 - Member since Mar 2022 - report
"Use. stain block. You can spray it on.from BQ
Sometime you require spraying it twice.2 coats"
Answered on 15th May 2024 - Member since Jul 2022 - report
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