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  • How much does a brick wall cost to build?

    Hi I am planning on getting a wall built soon. I already have materials for the builder to use (bricks, cement, sand and footing), which should be enough. The wall will need to be 7m long and 2.5m tall. Would anyone be able give me an idea of the approximate time it would take to complete? Or how much it would cost for the builder’s labour and time? Many thanks

    Asked by Everson on 4th Mar 2019
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    What is the correct mortar mix for a brick BBQ?

    Hi all I am working on building my own brick barbecue at the moment. I have a completed base of concrete and now trying to sort a good mortar mix. I’ve been told to use a ratio of 6:2:1 of sand:lime:cement, but does not seem to have turned out as I had hoped which dries exceptionally quickly and does not bind with the bricks to stick together. Has anyone any advice or suggestions? Should I try a different ratio for the mix?

    Asked by khalid on 25th Feb 2019
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    Are pointing guns worth the money?

    Hi, I do a decent amount of pointing and I'm just wondering if pointing guns are worth it and if anyone could recommend the best ones?

    Asked by Patrick on 6th Apr 2020
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    Bricklayer vs builder

    Is a bricklayer and a builder the same thing? What's the difference?

    Asked by Heather on 26th Jul 2021
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    cost of repointing a 5-6 square metres area of wall

    How much does it cost to hire a specialist to repoint a 5-6 square metres area of a wall? What about the labour and supply costs individually? Alternatively, is this something that I can do myself? If so, what should I know and roughly, what are the steps involved?

    Asked by Julie on 16th Aug 2020
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    How much is a brick layer per day in Glasgow?

    How much is a brick layer per day in Glasgow? I'm working out a budget to build some garages done in breeze block.

    Asked by Dougie on 4th Jul 2023
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    Average cost per block

    Hi, I'm having a cavity wall built and the contractor has quoted me a per block price of £2.20. is this a good price? He has also quoted 7Op per brick. This is just the labour cost as all the materials will be provided by myself.

    Asked by Nadeem on 1st Jul 2024
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    Diagonal cracking above window

    I have diagonal cracking of mortar above window on exterior wall is it just a repointing job or something to worry about?

    Asked by Chris on 17th May 2020
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    Foundation for extension

    A two story extension has been built on a 600 wide Foundation can the builder build a brick wall up against the external block wall? Without affecting the load to the foundations, will it pass planning

    Asked by Geoffrey on 15th Feb 2021
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    Cavity wall construction cost

    How much would I be roughly looking at, for labour of approximately thirty square metres of cavity wall blockwork, with a few courses of type B at the base? (Around five hundred and fifty dense blocks, four hundred and fifty bricks) with PIR insulation put into the cavity.

    Asked by Jon on 23rd Nov 2023
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