Pointing chimney stack

What does it cost to repoint a chimney stack please about 6ft tall on a bungalow

Asked by Steven on 15th May 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"Would have to see in person whereabouts are you located?"
Answered on 15th May 2024 - Member since Jan 2024 - report
"Hi. A tall chimney stack to rake out and repoint would be Roughly £350"
Answered on 15th May 2024 - Member since Dec 2019 - report
"Hi, it would depend on a few different factors, does it need scaffold, how tall is the chimney, what width is chimney, please take care and make sure you get estimates in writing stating all costs combined, as some companies will give an estimate for pointing then add scaffold charges on top.
Hope all goes well
Answered on 15th May 2024 - Member since May 2020 - report
"Estimated cost 300.00
Depending on top where pots are.if that wants done also"
Answered on 15th May 2024 - Member since Jul 2022 - report
"600-1200 depending on access and size and whether it needs raking out first"
Answered on 16th May 2024 - Member since May 2019 - report
"Depends on the access and state of the chimney I'd say between 4 and 7 hundred quid"
Answered on 22nd May 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"Personally i would charge £550, thats my going rate for a job like that, as i would need to pay someone else too"
Answered on 24th May 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"Pointing chimney stacks at about 6 ft tall would usually cost in the red Goin of 300 to 400 pound"
Answered on 26th May 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"Depends on what actually needs pointing and how bad it is but you normally be looking at 350
Answered on 27th May 2024 - Member since Apr 2024 - report
"Hard to say exactly without photos but should be no more than £700 including scaffolding."
Answered on 21st May 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
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