Bubbling emulation

Why is my second coat of emulsion bubbling but only in certain sections of the wall ?

Asked by Teresa on 18th Jan 2021
Expert Trade Answers
"Could be that the second coat was applied too quickly if not you may find that there is a contaminate on the wall sometimes the paint doesn’t adhere properly if so. If it persists you may need an alkaline primer"
Answered on 18th Jan 2021 - Member since Jun 2020 - report
"The paint is reacting to the fist coat you have put on. Make sure you leave the recommended drying time before putting next coat on. At this time of year I would leave over night
Answered on 18th Jan 2021 - Member since Dec 2019 - report
"Bubbling emulsion, often bubbles up on the second coat, if you haven’t allowed the first coat to dry properly, or you have put to much on to soon."
Answered on 18th Jan 2021 - Member since Dec 2019 - report
"Walls still wet underneath scrape and rub down back to plaster and let dry out then seal with a zinger stain repellent"
Answered on 19th Jan 2021 - Member since Nov 2020 - report

Paint bubbles can form long after the paint on your walls and ceiling has dried. Paint blisters or bubbles occur when the paint film lifts from the underlying surface. The loss of adhesion between the paint film and surface is usually caused by heat, moisture or a combination of both.

Try to apply PVA Adhesive/water mix to that particular surface .. wait until its dry then paint it again.

Answered on 13th Apr 2021 - Member since Mar 2021 - report
"Dust build-up, paint too thick, paint not dry enough and paint second coat over it. Usually, if the paint is not applied uniformly this is what is happening. Also, the wall can be wet and the paint doesn’t dry."
Answered on 27th Jan 2021 - Member since Dec 2020 - report
"Hi there
If your walls were not well sanded or cleaned before painting that will happen. So in that case when you smell nicotine in the room before painting take your time to wash the wall with sugar soap let it dry and sand it a bit with smooth paper and begin painting. You will get amazing results. Only repeat coats on dry paints. Hope this helps"
Answered on 6th Feb 2021 - Member since Jan 2021 - report
"Small bubbles appear either when there are too many coats of paint on the wall or the surface has dust on it.

Pop the bubbles when the paint is dry. Fill, sand and re-coat. If bubbles return then coat the whole wall with a shellac primer and redecorate or go back to the plaster with a good sand down. Make sure you use a 50/50 Matt emulsion/water mix when painting plaster."
Answered on 12th Apr 2021 - Member since Nov 2019 - report
"The area surrounding the painted wall may be steamy and poorly ventilated. If so, the paint will tend to dry quicker leaving your wall with an unwanted bubble effect. Next time try sanding the walls before painting"
Answered on 15th Mar 2021 - Member since Dec 2020 - report
"Usually, this is because the second or third coat has been applied to quickly."
Answered on 26th Jan 2021 - Member since Jan 2021 - report
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