Water dripping out my overflow pipe outside

There was no hot water this morning so my wife turned up the pressure on our combi boiler.Unfortunately she turned it up too high.I noticed there’s water coming out at the back of the overflow pipe outside.How can I fix this?

Asked by Craig on 24th Apr 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"Is going to be blocked
You need to clean your pipes."
Answered on 24th Apr 2024 - Member since Oct 2022 - report
"Drop some pressure out at the boiler, as long as the expansion vessel doesn't have an issue"
Answered on 24th Apr 2024 - Member since Mar 2024 - report
"All you need to do is drop the pressure, that's why the prv is releasing the extra amount of pressure when the heating is on"
Answered on 24th Apr 2024 - Member since Sep 2023 - report
"Sounds like the pressure relief valve (PRV) in the boiler is discharging. Release some pressure from the system, bring down to 1.2 bar and it should stop discharging. if it persists after you have lowered to pressure then it sound like you will need to get the PRV changed. Hope this helps"
Answered on 24th Apr 2024 - Member since Apr 2024 - report
You will need to drain out some water from the heating system. The only issue may be that the 'safety valve' which is now leaking may need replacing due to the fact it has been set off."
Answered on 1st May 2024 - Member since Feb 2024 - report
"The small diameter pipe you saw leaking could likely be a condense line [If the boiler is a relatively modern combi] - This is normal.

If the pressure is to high, a pressure release valve will discharge a certain amount of pressure, however the best course of action would be to get an engineer to drain some pressure out and check the system to see why you had an issue in the first place.

If you are confident with DIY, drain some water out of a central heating pipe via a drain off valve and check the pressure after."
Answered on 1st May 2024 - Member since Oct 2021 - report
"You have to drain the system back to 1.5 bar. Through drain off under radiators."
Answered on 2nd May 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"Hi mate just bleed a bit of water from your radiator valve until the pressure comes into green. I hope it helps"
Answered on 24th Apr 2024 - Member since Oct 2022 - report
"Pressure on boiler to high air radiators or open drain off to bring it down to about 1.5 bar"
Answered on 24th Apr 2024 - Member since Jun 2023 - report
"Hi Craig , you will need an engineer to come over and have a look at it as the prv on you’re boiler might be letting by , I can come have a look tomorrow if you’re happy to"
Answered on 24th Apr 2024 - Member since Apr 2024 - report
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