Removing living room spots, connecting a feed to centre of room for pendant light.

Hi - I'm wondering what a going rate would be for the disconnection and removal of 6 living room spot lights, and sending a feed to the centre of the room.

I have identified the spot that feeds the others. All I would need is the physical lights themselves to be disconnected and removed and a new cable connected and fed to a pre-made hole for the central pendant light.

I would be filling/plastering/painting the leftover holes myself.

There is no access from floor above.

The main circuit board is very close too.

Many thanks

Asked by Stuart on 27th Mar 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"I predict that the job would take approximately 2 hours to complete but this maybe longer or shorter depending on the current installation and how much access they're is.

My call out charge is £80 which includes the first hour of labour, it is £40 for each half hour increment after that."
Answered on 27th Mar 2024 - Member since Mar 2024 - report
"I would charge £120 & I am based in East Sussex if everything is as described. Probably allowing an hour & half time wise."
Answered on 27th Mar 2024 - Member since Aug 2021 - report
"As a guide price spotlight installs from fresh with just a centre light and all the holes being drilled by the sparks would start at £60 per light. So expect half that price per light as a good rule of thumb, minus that of the middle one which would need to be wired"
Answered on 27th Mar 2024 - Member since Jul 2023 - report
"The going rate can be by the hourly rate between £60 to £80 per.Or some Electrician wil charge a day rate."
Answered on 25th Jul 2024 - Member since Dec 2019 - report
"Hi I would say this would take a few hours so depending on where you live your looking at me completing this for £100"
Answered on 27th Mar 2024 - Member since Jan 2021 - report
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