Painting Doors - just one side?

Why would a painter only paints one side of a door if he has actually quoted "painting doors" not specifying one side only? Is it a usual practice?

Asked by La on 3rd Apr 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"I am time served painter and decorator forty years in the trade. So if you want both sides to be done, then you have to inform the painter that's what you want. If you have a hall for example then you would not paint both sides of a door because you are entering another room. So when your painter estimates your door or doors it's usually 1 side only. Your painter is completely correct. You need to tell your painter that you want both sides done. Jamie MD painter and decorator"
Answered on 3rd Apr 2024 - Member since Feb 2020 - report
"No it is not.

It seems like a lazy excuse to not paint both sides and use grammar as his excuse."
Answered on 6th Apr 2024 - Member since Feb 2024 - report
"yes if you are doing only a room for example a bedroom then the other side is part of hallway,"
Answered on 8th Apr 2024 - Member since Mar 2024 - report
I would say it’s normal practice
If customer say for example is having hall painted(walls and woodwork ) hall side of doors will be included
If it’s bedroom then it’s bedroom side only
If its doors only (no walls or ceilings)then I would ask if you require both sides of doors to be painted at point of estimate 👍
Millar decorators"
Answered on 8th Apr 2024 - Member since Dec 2023 - report
"I would say don’t use him no more if I’m a painter and I took the job on I will have to paint the door from bought sides unless the costumer request one side"
Answered on 3rd Apr 2024 - Member since Nov 2021 - report
"That's not good practice!! Although if he's been asked to decorate a room then I assume he only painted the room and the door facing into the room. Always clarify what you want someone to do and don't just assume."
Answered on 3rd Apr 2024 - Member since Feb 2024 - report
"If for instance he is painting just 1 room then just the side of the door facing into the room gets painted...unless of course he has said he'd paint both sides...which is something I wouldn't do...1 room...1 side of door..."
Answered on 3rd Apr 2024 - Member since Oct 2022 - report
"It obviously depends on the job and the I don’t think this is usual practice and the expectation would/should be to paint both sides if that’s what the job entails."
Answered on 3rd Apr 2024 - Member since Apr 2024 - report
"Depending on what was quoted for. Did you ask for both side to be done"
Answered on 8th Apr 2024 - Member since Jan 2022 - report
"If a painter is painting a room and client asked to paint the wood surfaces in the room, then you paint just one side of the door, unless you are painting the room or hallway on the other side of the door, and or if client said both sides of the door"
Answered on 3rd Apr 2024 - Member since Nov 2023 - report
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