Kitchen fitting

How much does it cost typically to fit 6 base units, 6 wall units, 1 built in oven, 1 built in dishwasher flat pack unit?

Asked by Bhish on 15th Jun 2023
Expert Trade Answers
"This would typically cost around £1500 depending whether electrics and plumbing having to be altered"
Answered on 15th Jun 2023 - Member since Nov 2017 - report
"I would charge £1100 for a dry fit wich would be all u it’s and appliances fitted"
Answered on 15th Jun 2023 - Member since Jun 2023 - report
"£1000-£1500 for a dry fit. It’s always hard to give an accurate estimate just by someone telling you what needs doing. Coz the last thing you want as a customer is the fitter to start than start adding extras"
Answered on 15th Jun 2023 - Member since Jun 2023 - report
"I would say roughly £1000 as this would also require an electrician, too."
Answered on 15th Jun 2023 - Member since Mar 2023 - report
"Assuming that all units are in flat pack form, electrics, gas, and water first-fix connections are completed by electrician/plumber’s then these works would take a competent kitchen fitter circa 5 days.

This would include the units, built-in oven, dishwasher, associates end panels, filler panels, corner posts, door panels, handles, pelmets, cornice, and worktop over.

I would price that between £1200 and £1500"
Answered on 15th Jun 2023 - Member since Jun 2023 - report
"There's no typical cost unfortunately, but I'd say around £500 mark"
Answered on 11th Jul 2023 - Member since Jun 2023 - report
"You will be charged for a full day around £150 ish"
Answered on 18th Jun 2023 - Member since Feb 2023 - report
"The labour costs to make a fit would be around £400"
Answered on 27th Jun 2023 - Member since Jun 2023 - report
"With the information you have given I would estimate it to be around £1500"
Answered on 16th Jun 2023 - Member since Dec 2021 - report
"Approximate cost £1370 dependant on existing room, power and water supplies etc also any finishing ie tiling, silicone etc would be an additional cost. £1370 would be for Dry fit only"
Answered on 28th Jun 2023 - Member since Oct 2018 - report
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