Gas fire replacement

Hi, my elderly neighbour has just has 2 gas fires condemned and I wou,d like to help her get at least one replacement. Is there different sizes, power ratings? I know one has a back boiler and one doesn’t.

Asked by Claire on 3rd Apr 2024
Expert Trade Answers
there a number of factors to be taken into consideration when installing gas fires the main factor is ventilation
If your keen to help out the best thing to do is to call out a gas engineer to quote you on a supply and fit"
Answered on 3rd Apr 2024 - Member since Mar 2024 - report
"Yes there are plenty of options available you'd just need to work out the amount of radiators in the property for a KW rating also find if the boiler is a system boiler or not I.e just for heating . As there are boilers that do both heating and hot water."
Answered on 3rd Apr 2024 - Member since Jan 2024 - report
"Don’t believe you will be able to replace one with back boiler. So only leaves the other one. You would need to find out why both fires were condemned first. Realistically you would need a gas engineer to come out and have a look as to what can be done. Personally I would go electric"
Answered on 3rd Apr 2024 - Member since Feb 2023 - report
"Consult a gas registered plumber. You can get one through Gas Safe. Kind regards Dave Lewis"
Answered on 29th May 2024 - Member since Jan 2023 - report
"You need to get a Gas engineer in, who will answer all your queries and quote you as well, for work required."
Answered on 3rd Apr 2024 - Member since Mar 2024 - report

We have a large showroom with Gas fires on display. We can advise you on what is best. Just take some photos of the existing fires and some details and we would be happy to help.

Gasworks Ltd"
Answered on 23rd Apr 2024 - Member since Feb 2024 - report
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