What tools to remove plaster?

We will be knocking down the conservatory shortly but there is plaster on the outside walls on top of the original brickwork. How can I get this layer off to reveal the original bricks again without damaging them? Will I need to get a professional in?

Asked by Adam on 20th May 2020
Expert Trade Answers
"The easiest way to remove the old plaster off the walls is using a sds hammer drill with a flat chisel.You dont need a professional you can do it yourself , keep the sds in an angle so you are removing the plaster and not damaging the bricks .
Hope it helps"
Answered on 20th May 2020 - Member since Apr 2020 - report
"try yourself ist with a hamer and a bolster if it rock hard you need a sds hamer or similar tool ask athire shop just need to be carefull"
Answered on 17th Jul 2020 - Member since Feb 2017 - report
"Hammer drill using the canjo setting .use drill at an angle to get behind the render , will damage bricks slightly , depends how heavy handed you are"
Answered on 20th May 2020 - Member since Aug 2018 - report
"Hammer bolster or just use kangoo hammer."
Answered on 29th May 2020 - Member since Feb 2020 - report
"Try mini breaker, be careful that if left to elements could cause damp issues as internal plaster is Porous"
Answered on 9th Jun 2020 - Member since Apr 2020 - report
"The (Render) may come off with hammer and flat bolster ! If it’s really hard chances are bricks will be damaged? These can be repaired by a restorer"
Answered on 27th Jan 2022 - Member since Jan 2022 - report
"Hi it will be difficult to remove it without damaging the bricks a cheap breaker will be fine or the old fashioned way with a hammer and bolster"
Answered on 20th May 2020 - Member since Dec 2019 - report
"I would use hammer and bolster or drill with chisel bit on it but be careful in case you damage brick work"
Answered on 20th May 2020 - Member since Feb 2020 - report
"I would use a sds hammer drill with the correct bit (chisel) and try take it off with care, it depends on the brick/block work behind the render wether it would get damaged or not, it’s a case of taking a small patch of render off and seeing what it’s like. It’s a very messy job and can be a nightmare to take off or it can be really easy simple process.
I think personally if your not too sure with this sort of stuff then it would be best to get someone professional in to do it, someone with liability insurance and someone competent as this is the structure of your property."
Answered on 20th May 2020 - Member since Dec 2019 - report
"Ads hammer drill with chisel take your time and try to remove it slowly it’s going to be hard to not damage the brick work but best of luck with it mate"
Answered on 20th May 2020 - Member since Mar 2020 - report
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