What is xeriscaping?

Could you explain to me what exactly xeriscaping is?

Asked by Robert on 22nd Dec 2020
Expert Trade Answers
"Xeriscaping is the practice of designing landscapes to reduce or eliminate the need for irrigation. This means xeriscaped landscapes need little or no water beyond what the natural climate provides. Xeriscaping has been embraced in dry regions of the western United States."
Answered on 27th Jan 2021 - Member since Jan 2021 - report
"This is particularly good if you live in a dry area of the country or just don’t like watering much.
The technique used in landscaping will either eliminate or greatly reduce the need for irrigation."
Answered on 7th Feb 2021 - Member since Aug 2020 - report
"Basically the posh word for cultivate.
For example, I want to xeriscape that area.
Instead of, I want to cultivate that area."
Answered on 29th Jul 2021 - Member since Jul 2021 - report
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