Shower pumps recommended

What is the quietest shower pump available you would recommend

Asked by David on 27th Mar 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"Stuart Turner Monsoon and Showermate shower pumps are amongst the quietest available."
Answered on 27th Mar 2024 - Member since Sep 2023 - report
"All depends on placement of the pump, Stuart Turner pumps are really low noise, but using anti-vibration mats can reduce this further."
Answered on 28th Mar 2024 - Member since Dec 2023 - report
"Stewart turner they are not noisy and very durable"
Answered on 18th May 2024 - Member since Nov 2023 - report
"All depends on placement of the pump, Stuart Turner pumps are really low noise, but using anti-vibration mats can reduce this further.""
Answered on 3rd Apr 2024 - Member since Aug 2023 - report
"All shower pumps make a certain angle of noise when operating but all can have that noise reduced dramatically by creating a proper housing for them and installing them out of the way. A site visit would be your first port of call to assess the best location for installation first then decide on your pump by your system type and boiler type."
Answered on 31st May 2024 - Member since Aug 2023 - report
"Stuart turner pumps are one of the best out there !
I have fitted many over the years and never get any problems with them.
Very quiet anti vibration also.
Can be costly but well worth the money."
Answered on 9th Jul 2024 - Member since Apr 2024 - report
"There are many options available but I'm not sure of any that are "quiet" you could look at installing the pump in another location that would cause less disruption maybe"
Answered on 3rd Apr 2024 - Member since Jan 2024 - report
I have been installing these for a few months now and they are defiantly the most quiet pump I have ever fitted

See link"
Answered on 27th Mar 2024 - Member since Mar 2024 - report
"In my opinion aqua Lisa digital but they are not cheap."
Answered on 27th Mar 2024 - Member since Mar 2023 - report
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