Remove the upstairs chimney breast

I'm not sure if it's a chimney specialist, or a builder who has to do this.
But basically the house is a semi detached
It has a chimney in the living room and the room next to it as well ( kitchen)
Upstairs two room and they both have the breast
However in the kitchen, they have removed the chimney breast.

My question and quote is
Can I get the chimney breast in the bedroom upstairs removed? And how much would it cost.

Separately the one in the living room and the room above it master room , canthe upstairs be removed if the downstairs is going to be replaced for electric?

Asked by Layna on 10th Apr 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"Hi there yes it can be removed we specialise in knock throughs and chimney removal please getting contact with cams builders"
Answered on 10th Apr 2024 - Member since Feb 2024 - report
"Hi yes this is possible to do and will just need some structural calculations and steel work to support the chimney stack in the loft space in order to fully remove the breasts from the house."
Answered on 10th Apr 2024 - Member since Apr 2024 - report
"yes, what you want to cut is possible and the number spoils the strength of the structure... the remaining gap can be built in its place and well insulated... more details and explanations can be given right on the spot in the house... thank you!"
Answered on 10th Apr 2024 - Member since Jun 2022 - report
"You can remove any chimney Brest but you will need to make sure you inform the council building control even if you own the property if it’s a semi detached house you will also need to inform your neighbours who can stop it from happening.
Always best to get building control involved
But again yes you can have it removed be aware it’s not cheap for what you will actually gain"
Answered on 14th May 2024 - Member since Apr 2022 - report
"Yes you can remove the chimney breasts upstairs but you will have to engage a structural engineer to calculate what is required to support the chimney stack above ceiling line. Generally a U.B ( steel) spanning from front of house wall to the spine wall.
Also a building notice is reqd."
Answered on 20th Apr 2024 - Member since Jan 2023 - report
"I suggest you remove the chimney from the top to bottom. And make good the roof and any plastering inside"
Answered on 20th May 2024 - Member since Jan 2024 - report
"You might need a steel to hold the front of the stack out if your leaving the stack in the lift and on the roof"
Answered on 16th Apr 2024 - Member since Aug 2023 - report
"1200 for labour, 2 days to remove the chimney and 2 day for skim and painting and replacing around 5 to 6days for this work"
Answered on 16th Apr 2024 - Member since Oct 2023 - report
"Hi Layna it’s a general builder that you need for all of this and yes it is possible
Happy to help further"
Answered on 10th Apr 2024 - Member since Jun 2019 - report
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