Patio build over existing old patio flags

Can I lay the MOT 1 and compact it on top of an old flagged patio ( save digging up the old patio)
Bearing in mind that the existing old patio flags are laid 150 mm below DPC and the new patio would be higher than DPC, how far away from the wall can I start the edging stones and what would you suggest goes in the gap between the house wall and edging stones of new patio?

Asked by David on 9th Apr 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"You can lay over existing patio but not a good idea as your patio should be 150mm below .if you are going to lay over leave a min 10mm"
Answered on 9th Apr 2024 - Member since May 2020 - report
"I wouldn’t recommend doing that as you don’t know if there is sufficient sub base under the existing slabs already down. Also to stop your house having damp problems you finishing paving height should be a minimum of one brick course (75mm) below your dpc. You can start straight from your house if your fall is going away from the house as again to stop damp unless you install aco drains which will take all the water away from your house."
Answered on 7th Jun 2024 - Member since May 2023 - report
"Hi you. Can do it but I would suggest not because of measurement already. If you do want it doing I can come have a look and come up with a plan.
Answered on 9th Apr 2024 - Member since Jul 2023 - report
"I would advise against this and to dig up the existing patio. As for the gap between house and slab, decorative gravel can have a nice finishing touch."
Answered on 1st Jul 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"Would not recommend going any higher than DPC. Should be 1or2 bricks down from DPC from the start to be safe and you want to be 1 foot away from the wall for support of the edging stones with concrete so they don’t move."
Answered on 15th May 2024 - Member since Oct 2023 - report
"Yes we can used mot to save digging 150mm laid bellow dpc"
Answered on 24th Apr 2024 - Member since Sep 2020 - report
"Hi David
I would really need to know more details about the existing patio to answer fully.
I would recommend lifting the existing slabs and if you want to bring the height up do that with MOT1 and then lay the new patio.
The main problem with laying on top of an existing patio is drainage which can create further problems.
You could put in a trench filled with pea gravel between the patio and the house to address drainage if the levels get close to the DPC but the recommended minimum is 150mm from the patio surface to the DPC.
Hope this helps.
Answered on 9th Apr 2024 - Member since Sep 2023 - report
"You can do anything you like but if you want the job to be done correct and not cowboyed you should dig up evereything first"
Answered on 18th Jun 2024 - Member since Jun 2024 - report
"You should never breach dpc even if you install gravel or to dig out and start again."
Answered on 10th Apr 2024 - Member since Feb 2023 - report
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