Mortar cracks in stair steps

Why do stair-step mortar cracks emerge? How long does it take for these cracks to appear? And how can they get fixed?

Asked by Simon on 15th Feb 2021
Expert Trade Answers
"Hi, cracks appear through movement and every winter will fill with ice and expand thus causing larger cracks.
Remedy is fill cracks with a flexi resin paste or re face them
With sharp sand and cement.

Mark Mcleod"
Answered on 15th Feb 2021 - Member since Apr 2018 - report
"They can appear at any time. You can rake out all the old mortar and repoint it all again making sure your bed joints are full at all times"
Answered on 15th Feb 2021 - Member since Oct 2020 - report
"First signs of structural movement will appear as soon as the building becomes unstable."
Answered on 15th Feb 2021 - Member since Feb 2021 - report
"The most probable cause is the poor leveling of the surface under the steps and thus the lack of stable contact across the entire surface. Cracks shouldn't appear. There is some slack with use, but pointing alone cannot hold the surface of the stairs. The most reasonable solution seems to be dismantling the steps, surface correction, reassembly, while pointing on the stairs, In these times when more technically advanced materials are available, in my opinion it is best to use Soudall in tubes available in many construction stores. You can then also match the color to the surface of the stairs, while the material itself remains somewhat flexible, which prevents re-cracking in the future. Regards"
Answered on 16th Feb 2021 - Member since Mar 2020 - report
"Grind it out wash it down then repoint them making sure joints are full"
Answered on 11th Mar 2021 - Member since Feb 2021 - report
"If it is just in the stair-step, then just apply new mortar and the problem is solved, but if it is in a few places then you may have what you really, really don’t want and that is differential foundation settling, this is basically the foundation settling differently in all parts of it.
It is normal and mainly due to bad building, and can cause bowing walls also, soo get it seen to asap."
Answered on 30th Jul 2021 - Member since Jul 2021 - report
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