Is to safe to use rust corroded radiator for now

My radiator is rusting from the inside and leaking a small bit, l use oil heating is it safe to keep using for now?

Asked by Olive on 18th Mar 2024
Expert Trade Answers
Not only do rusty radiators look bad, they can also cause serious problems. Over time, the radiator will start to develop ‘pinhole’ leaks. these leaks start off small and can be very difficult to accurately locate.
You may not even notice them at first, but given enough time, the rusted area can disintegrate completely and cause a flood."
Answered on 18th Mar 2024 - Member since Mar 2024 - report
"Hi Olive, it would be in your best interests to either get this replaced/ or isolated to prevent damage to your property or cause unknown issues going forward."
Answered on 19th Mar 2024 - Member since Aug 2023 - report
"That would depend on where it is leaking from. Radiators generally leak from either the TMV or the Lock shield and where either attach to the radiator. Usually these can be fixed without a radiator replacement, However, if the radiator has a pin hole due to corrosion it will become worse and worse and needs to be replaced."
Answered on 18th May 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"Not only do rusty radiators look bad, they can also cause serious problems. Over time, the radiator will start to develop ‘pinhole’ leaks. these leaks start off small and can be very difficult to accurately locate."
Answered on 21st Mar 2024 - Member since Aug 2023 - report
"Yes it’s safe to use. Just it’ll get worse and you’ll be loosing pressure"
Answered on 21st May 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"Not really no. Needs changing and also consider flushing your heating system out"
Answered on 18th Mar 2024 - Member since Jan 2024 - report
"I would say get it replaced sooner rather than later"
Answered on 25th Mar 2024 - Member since Oct 2020 - report
"Not recommend, can cause major issues for you heating system."
Answered on 18th Mar 2024 - Member since Feb 2024 - report
"A small amount of surface rust on the outside or inside of the radiator is generally harmless, as all ferrous metals oxidise with time if not protected, either by the coatings (paint) or the inhibitors (chemical protection). However, I would be very concerned by the leak: it can destroy the structural components of your property (joists, floor panels), and make the whole system not fit for purpose."
Answered on 10th May 2024 - Member since Apr 2024 - report

I would advise replacing as soon as possible as any loose rust could get into the innards of the boiler causing a blockage or component failure.


Gasworks Ltd"
Answered on 23rd Apr 2024 - Member since Feb 2024 - report
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