Is a water meter best for family of 4?

I’ve heard mixed reviews about water meters vs flat rate tariffs. We obviously don’t waste water but between 4 of us we use a fair amount each day. Is it cheaper to get a water meter installed?

Asked by jonathan on 9th Apr 2020
Expert Trade Answers
"Hi. Yes i would definitely recomend installing a water meter ."
Answered on 9th Apr 2020 - Member since May 2019 - report
"I would say no as your charged per unit and unless you want to make sure that everyone in the house understand this and when brushing there teeth they switch the tap off in between brushing so as not to worry about a big bill
You need to look at your water usage and work it out from there or how many showers/baths per week how many times the dishwasher and washing machine is used also do you fill paddling pools etc"
Answered on 3rd Jun 2020 - Member since Apr 2019 - report
"Hi, you can approach your water company who offer a free visit to assess if you would benefit or not. I’m a Thames Water customer and the off a smarter home visit with a print out comparing both options.
I hope this helps?
Answered on 6th Aug 2020 - Member since Jul 2020 - report
"This would totally depend on your water supplier. You can ask them for the price for amount of water you usually use and do your own calculation from there."
Answered on 24th Apr 2020 - Member since Dec 2016 - report
"Yes; getting a water meter installed will save money. Your be more careful to only use the water you need. Making sure you turn off taps properly and conserve the water you use.
I had an external meter installed some time ago,and it have saved me money !"
Answered on 9th Apr 2020 - Member since May 2018 - report
"No not really as you would be use more water with family of 4 your better off paying every 4 months by direct debit"
Answered on 9th Apr 2020 - Member since Jul 2017 - report
"If you’re happy with the water rate you’re paying at the moment then I’d say stick to that.
Once you’ve got a meter your rates will almost certainly go up in my experience."
Answered on 9th Apr 2020 - Member since Dec 2019 - report
"No I wouldn’t I was told once count how many rooms you have in your house then count the people if you have more rooms than people it may be worth having a meter fitted if not don’t bother."
Answered on 11th Apr 2020 - Member since Jan 2020 - report
"It most likely work out a lot more expensive. I would stick to the rates as most customers I have especially new builds hate them. But it does make you more aware of saving water which is a good thing."
Answered on 2nd May 2020 - Member since Mar 2020 - report
"I have a family of 4 and prefer not to have a metre, you need to remember when the kids get older they use more water. Once you go on the metre it is permanent. The water board is trying to get everyone on a metre so you may have no choice."
Answered on 9th Apr 2020 - Member since Mar 2020 - report
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