Installing a boiler in the bathroom

What there any special requirements for having a boiler installed in a bathroom?

Asked by Abdul on 2nd Oct 2022
Expert Trade Answers
Best Answer
"The main electrical spur for the boiler must be located outside of the bathroom completely, and the boiler should ideally be contained in a cupboard"
Answered on 2nd Oct 2022 - Member since Dec 2019 - report
"A combination boiler would most be suited for a bathroom also a cupboard fitted around to protect from water splashes ideally have the electrical spur located outside the bathroom"
Answered on 2nd Oct 2022 - Member since May 2019 - report
When siting a boiler in a bathroom there are some important regulations to observe, though. The position must allow for the boiler flue to exit the building and terminate safely and the location must provide adequate space for servicing the boiler It is also important that there is enough air circulation around the boiler when placing the boiler in a cupboard. All these dimensions will be listed in the manufacturer’s installation instructions and can vary from boiler to boiler.
Hope this helps."
Answered on 2nd Oct 2022 - Member since Oct 2022 - report
"Hi , yes they are special requirements to having a boiler fitted in bathroom . Check manufacturing instructions to meet these requirements . Do not fit over bath are basin . Follow minimum distance’s requirements . Hope this helps"
Answered on 2nd Oct 2022 - Member since May 2019 - report
"Yes, the bathroom is divided into specific zones. Some are permitted as long as preventative measures are installed with the boiler."
Answered on 3rd Oct 2022 - Member since Sep 2020 - report
"Yes you can have a boiler in the bathroom electrical must comply with build regs ie isolation switch must be out side of bathroom"
Answered on 2nd Oct 2022 - Member since Jul 2022 - report
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