Indian Stone / Jointing Compound Staining

Good morning.

I hope that you are well.

I am looking for a bit of advice please.

We had some Indian Stone paving laid in mid-November 2023. We haven't actually used it, as such yet, as the landscaping work is still ongoing.

We have noticed discolouration of the jointing compound / potentially the flags themselves, around some of the flags.

As far as we are aware, the tradesmen working on the project have not used any cleaner on the flags. It has just had the occasional jet wash with water throughout the project.

Does anyone have any idea as to what the build up / discolouration is please and any advice about how I can go about removing it? The issue is only present around certain flags, not all of them.

The two videos here highlight the issue better than I can describe it :-

The stone used is brand new.

Any advice on the root cause or solution to this problem would be much appreciated.

Many thanks

Asked by James on 27th Mar 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"Hi Jimmy, I can almost guarantee that it is the salts coming through. Just dont seal it until the salts have gone through completely. Process can take up to 2 years from my experience. May have something to do with using the slurry primer on cold temperatures. I would ask them about that maybe. Good luck."
Answered on 27th Mar 2024 - Member since Oct 2023 - report
"A combination of the freezing temperatures and wet weather can leave even the hardiest outdoor areas looking a little neglected and in need of some TLC. Cracked grouting leaves gaps between stones – where weeds will flourish come spring – and the overall look can be very messy.

Need to repoint the patio, First take off the existing joints.

After Use a good quality jointing compound. Once all your joints are full of compound, sweep aside the excess product and begin to strike it in."
Answered on 13th May 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"Totally agree with the last answer so to be honest the flags are so poures maybe a different type of grout could of been used but unless you want to drag it all out and spend time and money the best option would be wait it out"
Answered on 27th Mar 2024 - Member since Jan 2022 - report
"Well likely be the salt coming up. Just don't seal it until the salt have dissolved completely."
Answered on 27th Mar 2024 - Member since Mar 2024 - report
"It would be the salt from the stone. It will take time to bleed through"
Answered on 27th Mar 2024 - Member since Mar 2019 - report
"You can sue black spot which will clean the slabs off perfectly and then seal the slabs which will leave a new drag look to them"
Answered on 27th Mar 2024 - Member since Nov 2023 - report
"That is easy over time this should happen, but i am not sure how long this work has been finshed , it looked like they have used normal filler like concrete , you need to get patio cleraner and the patio washer that connects to a jet wash.
then fill with proper pater snd whcih will solidfy over time..iokay"
Answered on 27th Apr 2024 - Member since May 2018 - report
"The jointing compound could be discoloured as water might not be leaving the joints which could cause an ideal environment for mold/algae build up it would be more noticeable on light colours, same with the stone, worse in shaded areas or north facing gardens a good spray and leave product should work."
Answered on 3rd Apr 2024 - Member since Jan 2024 - report
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