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  • Best ratio of kitchen cupboards to drawers?

    What's a good ratio of cupboards and drawers to have in a kitchen? Drawers seem to be almost half of the base units in some showrooms.

    Asked by angie on 4th Oct 2022
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    Built-in fridges cost and pros and cons

    Are built-in fridges expensive? What are their pros (aside from saving space) and their cons?

    Asked by Karen on 7th Nov 2022
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    What are the best places to buy a custom made kitchen?

    I'm looking for recommendations for companies that do custom-made kitchens. Quality design and fitting is important as I want it to be worth the money and last a lifetime.

    Asked by Tushar on 18th Jun 2023
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    Kitchen task lighting ideas

    What are some of the best types of task lighting for a kitchen? Where can I buy these lights? What brands do you recommend? 

    Asked by Jenny on 8th Mar 2021
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    How much kitchen space for a coffee bar?

    How much space does a kitchen coffee bar usually need?

    Asked by Pete on 14th Oct 2022
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    Crushed/recycled glass worktops vs other options

    What are the advantages of crushed/recycled glass countertops and how do they differ from other options?

    Asked by Patrick on 24th Oct 2022
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    Leaky drain query

    Hi, my kitchen sink drain seems to leak...started happening after I had my washing machine fixed? I have tried to secure it underneath the sink but it still leaks... can this be fixed or should I buy a new sink/tap/basin etc? My property is only 5 years old, thanks in advance :)

    Asked by Pauline on 23rd Jan 2024
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    What causes a humidstat fan to randomly turn on or overrun?

    What causes a humidstat fan to randomly turn on or overrun? What might be the cause of this, how can it be fixed and can it be fixed DIY?

    Asked by Robert on 9th May 2022
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    Kitchen worktop too low

    Any advice appreciated to understand problem and any ideas to fix. My kitchen has been installed and the plans said the worktop height would be 88.2. However on completion the height is 84 cm which is far too low. Kitchen planner and installers are blaming each other and I’m stuck in the middle. Both mentioned floor being uneven and floor tiles not covering the whole floor but no one mentioned anything that this would affect height. To fix the installers have said they can take out and try to raise higher but may ruin kitchen and we’d have to pay for the fix. Any suggestions ?

    Asked by Theresa on 15th Sep 2022
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    Kitchen impulse buys to avoid

    What are potential impulse buys to avoid when having a kitchen renovated? In other words, what do homeowners often include in a kitchen renovation that later goes largely underused?

    Asked by Greg on 13th Nov 2022
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