Bath and bedroom wall

Sorry if my question is daft and long
House is not new building
Want to move wall so bathroom is smaller and bedroom is bigger therefore want to reuse doors where possible.
I imagine will need new flooring in Bathroom and part floor in bedroom. it has laminate.
Will also need new bathtub and sink
Need it done in stages due to financial reasons and so kids including a disabled person have access to bathing so bathtub installation will need to be the last step.
My question
What steps will need to be followed to achieve the above.
Ideally want 1 to 2 steps per month.
How much am I looking at spending overall?

Asked by Rae on 8th Apr 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"Hi. Firstly check with a tradesman to see if the wall is load bearing before attempting to remove It may need rsj support. This should be your starting point, as will be a messy job with a lot of rubble to be removed. Once safety is assured it should be no problem to remove, within a day, for 2 tradesmen, so i would allow wages for 2 men (try to get them on day rate rather than price). You may also need to allow for a skip to remove rubble. Its not really possible to give an accurate price on rest of cost yet, as will depend on materials chosen eg (doors, flooring, bathtub (will it be a disabled access model). Sorry couldnt be more precise, but hope this helps a bit. Also when you engage tradesmen always make sure before accepting that you all agree exactly what has been quoted for before start."
Answered on 8th Apr 2024 - Member since Aug 2018 - report
"Thank you for providing the details of your project. It is important to carefully plan out each step when renovating a space, especially when working within a limited budget and time frame.

To achieve your desired goal of making the bedroom bigger and the bathroom smaller, you will need to first consult with a contractor or architect to assess the feasibility of moving the wall. Depending on the existing structure of your home, specific permits may be required before any construction can take place.

Once you have a plan in place, it is a good idea to start with the demolition of the existing wall, followed by any necessary reframing to adjust the room sizes. Reusing doors where possible is a cost-effective approach, but be sure to also include the cost of any necessary modifications to fit the new space.

As you mentioned, new flooring will be required in the bathroom and part of the bedroom. It is recommended to choose durable and water-resistant materials for the bathroom, such as tile or vinyl, to ensure longevity. Additionally, budget for the cost of a new bathtub and sink installation, as well as any plumbing and electrical work that may be needed.

Taking 1 to 2 steps per month is a reasonable approach to pacing the project and managing costs. However, keep in mind that unexpected delays or complications may arise, so it's important to be flexible with your timeline.

As for overall cost, it is difficult to provide an exact estimate without knowing the specifics of your home and the materials you plan to use. I recommend obtaining quotes from contractors or suppliers for each stage of the project to get a better idea of the total expenses. Be sure to also factor in any additional costs for unforeseen circumstances or modifications that may arise during the renovation process.

We wish you the best of luck with your home renovation project and hope that it will provide a comfortable and accessible space for you and your family. If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us."
Answered on 8th Apr 2024 - Member since Aug 2023 - report
"you are not going to get a price without somebody seeing the job and you are going to need a plumber and builder also its doubtfull wether some body will do a bit here and there as this is alot of running about and it will be a lot more costly to you tradesmen like to tuRn up and get the job done and unless you can get the exact same laminate you cant extend it you are best to save up and get a quote to do job in 1 go quicker cheaper easier for workmen and your family"
Answered on 9th Apr 2024 - Member since Dec 2023 - report
"You could be in title for DFG { disabled facility grand) from government.
or you contact your local council if you have a disabled person in household,
I done many disabled bathroom but the council did it free for their tenants."
Answered on 9th Apr 2024 - Member since Mar 2024 - report
"Hi questions is not daft and I understand what your wanting the problem is without seeing the layout and and what would be involved pipe wise electrical work plastering ECT but it would be not including materials £1500 upwards
Hope this helps its not quite as straightforward as you might think"
Answered on 14th May 2024 - Member since Apr 2022 - report
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