Adhoc Torch on Felt

I had a roofer inspect a flat roof a couple of months ago, who then made some patch repairs using torch on felt. Another roofer cam to quote for a replacement roof today and said the felt hadn't been torched on properly and water had got underneath the add on section. The felt could be lifted up without much effort and some of the edges on the felt underneath seemed to be peeling away. He then recommended I remove all of the add on felt as this was far worse than just having the felt below it.

First of all, how bad of a job is this and secondly, is this likely to have caused any major damage in two months given we've been having a lot of rain?

I appreciate any answers and you taking the time to respond.

Asked by Danny on 8th May 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"If those patches were torched on to mineral felt, what the installer didn’t do, was to use a bitumen primer. This would have allowed the felt to adhere properly. It probably didn’t make much difference over that period to the state of the roof, if it already needed repairs. In all honesty, felt is old hat now and there are much better flat roofing options, such as rubber and GRP."
Answered on 21st May 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"I'd say sounds like he's torched it on whilst it's been damp with no primer, see poor torch on jobs all the time. You won't know about any further damage without stripping off, if no water marks in side is say at worst needs new boards"
Answered on 22nd May 2024 - Member since May 2024 - report
"Sounds like whoever did this didn’t dry the given area properly so the bitumen didn’t adhere to existing surface ! I wouldn’t of thought the patching would of created any damage if the flat roofer only covered, if he tried to remove any lumps in felt with a spade then that would be a different story as he would be removing several layers to achieve a flat area"
Answered on 9th May 2024 - Member since May 2019 - report
"The simple answer is until the roof is lifted you won’t know! Water seeks the path of least resistance so if there was no seal and it did find its way through it’d come down to at what rate it happened."
Answered on 30th Jun 2024 - Member since Jun 2024 - report
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