What is efflorescence?

What is efflorescence and how can it be avoided exactly? Under what circumstances is it most likely to occur?

Asked by Christian on 6th Jan 2022
Expert Trade Answers
Best Answer
"Efflorescence is a crystalline deposit of salts that can form when water is present in or on brick, concrete, stone, stucco or other building surfaces. It has a white or greyish tint and consists of salt deposits that remain on the surface after the water evaporates. In addition, efflorescence can appear as a powdery substance on floors and walls and requires special care to treat."
Answered on 6th Jan 2022 - Member since Dec 2021 - report
"Efflorescence is a type of salty deposit that is most likely to occur on the surface of the bricks. Efflorescence can be avoided by making sure to use clean water when making the cement. This can only occur when the water contains dissolved salt and it is brought to the surface of the masonry. The water then evaporates and the salt is then left on the surface of the bricks."
Answered on 6th Jan 2022 - Member since Dec 2021 - report
"In chemistry, efflorescence is the migration of a salt to the surface of a porous material, where it forms a coating. The essential process involves the dissolving of an internally held salt in water, or occasionally in another solvent"
Answered on 6th Jan 2022 - Member since Aug 2021 - report
"the formation of a powdery deposit on the surface of brickwork, rock, or other material as a result of loss of moisture on exposure to air"
Answered on 7th Jul 2022 - Member since Oct 2021 - report
"Efflorescence is a crystalline deposit of salts that can form when water is present in or on brickwork other building surfaces it can appear as a powdery substance on floors and walls and requires special care to treat that we can deal with."
Answered on 6th Jan 2022 - Member since Jan 2022 - report
"Hi, it depends, pharmaceutical it is bacterial growth. In construction it is mould. In sandstone or tile it is mould in the joints due to dampness on the floor.
I hope it helps"
Answered on 6th Jan 2022 - Member since Jan 2021 - report
"Efflorescence is a salt deposit transferred through the grout from the subfloor and left on the grout surface during the curing process! Please find below a useful link that explains what it is and how it can be avoided! Hope this helps ... Stephen SC CERAMICS.
Answered on 6th Jan 2022 - Member since Jan 2015 - report
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