Rustic grade vs. builder's grade

What are rustic grade and builder's grade flooring? How do they differ?

Asked by Greg on 18th Nov 2022
Expert Trade Answers
"Hi there, there is a wide variety of flooring grades.
Builders grade is defined as inexpensive products made from low-grade materials, hi h will be quite rustic.

Prime AB Grade has Slight colour variation between the boards and more uniform look except for timbers where variation in colour . The grain is straighter than in other grades and sometimes the boards have very few, infrequent small knots unless.

Natural ABC grade is the middle timber grade and shows more character than prime grade but less than the rustic grade. Timber can display more infrequent knots, more variations in colour and texture, some mineral streaking and grain pattern.

Rustic ABCD contains vibrant colourful patterns, unlimited knots of varying sizes and unlimited colour variation. Floor can display heavy grain markings, figuring and mineral staining. In rustic grade flooring black knots and surface cracks as well as defects can be seen

I hope this helps I always recommend customers to do research on different grades before ordering as there’s nothing more heartbreaking expecting a prime grade floor and receive a rustic floor."
Answered on 19th Nov 2022 - Member since Oct 2022 - report
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