Planning permission for building a house in countryside

If I'm building a house in the countryside does it need to be done under paragraph 80?

Asked by Everson on 18th Apr 2023
Expert Trade Answers
"To my knowledge it is very clear that you will be required to go down this route if the proposed property is set on its own. However before spending a lot of time and money on this you should arrange a pre app meeting with the planner at the local authority to ascertain their views"
Answered on 28th Sep 2023 - Member since Oct 2019 - report
"To my knowledge, yes. The NPPF is pretty clear: "Planning policies and decisions should avoid the development of isolated homes in the countryside unless one or more of the following circumstances apply:...""
Answered on 20th Apr 2023 - Member since Apr 2023 - report
"Paragraph 80 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the policy for new isolated homes in the countryside, also known as "Country Houses". It states that "planning permission should be refused for new isolated homes in the countryside unless there are special circumstances that justify the development".

If you are planning to build a new isolated home in the countryside, it is likely that you will need to apply for planning permission under paragraph 80 of the NPPF. However, whether or not your proposal meets the requirements of paragraph 80 will depend on the specific circumstances of your site and proposal.

The local planning authority will consider a range of factors when determining whether your proposal meets the requirements of paragraph 80, such as the need for a new dwelling in the countryside, the impact on the landscape, the availability of public transport, and the impact on biodiversity."
Answered on 19th Apr 2023 - Member since Apr 2023 - report
"Hi Everson, I would suggest going through a pre application with the local authority as it can vary from site/project and they’ll give you and insight of what you need to work to


Answered on 19th Apr 2023 - Member since Jan 2023 - report
"No paragraph 80 is an exception to normal normal planning policy where there is a greater emphasis on the build quality when the property being developed (or even barns or other ancillary buildings fall within the curtilage of the main house. Areas deeded as being of AONB or SSSI are more restrictive and so a closer look at the location and surrounding countryside of your proposed development would be necessary to make a more informed response"
Answered on 26th Nov 2023 - Member since Nov 2023 - report
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