Noisy Pipes When Shower is Used

We've been having problems with what I assume is our boiler. When we use the shower we can hear the pipes underneath rattling really loudly and a chugging and propeller type noise that sounds like it’s hitting something. The noise used to be much more subtle and only came on when we had the heater on, I think this is also affecting our water pressure in the shower. The problem has gotten worse over the past few months. What could it be?

Asked by Manix on 9th Sep 2020
Expert Trade Answers
Answered on 21st Dec 2020 - Member since Oct 2018 - report
"Does the boiler make any noise with regards to this? Or do you think it is from the pipework only? it could be a valve on the pipework or possibly something inside the boiler which would need to be investigated to find the cause."
Answered on 9th Sep 2020 - Member since Feb 2020 - report
"Hi this could be coming from the pipes, or the noise may be from the boiler. Whichever you think the sound comes from I would get some advice whether in person or online from a plumber or an engineer. Some plumbers or engineers don't charge call out fees so you could get free advice and hire the one that offers you the best price for the work. Hope that helps."
Answered on 19th Feb 2021 - Member since Dec 2020 - report

Could be the boiler pump, air or debris in the system. Knocking noises from pipes usually occurs when they’re not clipped or packed properly if run through notches in joists under the floor. If you’ve not had a boiler service for a while I suggest getting one and mentioning the description of the noise."
Answered on 9th Sep 2020 - Member since Oct 2019 - report
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