How to mix mortar

How to mix mortar? Is this something that a DIY enthusiast should do and can I do it safely?

Asked by Charles on 11th May 2021
Expert Trade Answers
"4 shovels of sand and 1 of cement, slowly add water and mixed"
Answered on 11th May 2021 - Member since May 2021 - report
"Yes it is perfectly safe for anyone to do as long as you don’t get it in your eyes or breathe the cement dust in. Wear some ppe mask, goggles and gloves. You want to do a ratio of 1 part cement and 4 or 5 parts sand (depends how strong you want it) you want to add water to the mix and start mixing with a trowel or anything similar. You want the mix to be smooth and soft not really wet and not really dry add washing up liquid or mortar plastIciser it helps the mortar with workability."
Answered on 11th May 2021 - Member since May 2019 - report
"Mixing mortar is relatively safe as long as you watch out for splashing in your eyes, it's a good idea to wear goggles and gloves to protect from splashes and contracting dermatitis which you can get from dry skin. hand mixing is straightforward, if you go onto youtube and have a look at some different methods, the other is to use a mixer machine but be aware of health and safety."
Answered on 7th Dec 2021 - Member since Apr 2020 - report
"Of course!!! Anyone can do it and every bag of sand and cement has a mix ratio guide on it aswell"
Answered on 27th Jul 2021 - Member since Jul 2021 - report
"It’s very easy for a DIY enthusiast to mix mortar by hand or in a mixer. But beware, cement is basically burnt lime. Try not to breath it in and wear gloves when handling, it can burn the skin. Basic bricklaying mix is 5:1 ratio sand and cement and 3:1 ratio below ground. Add water gradually, sand in bags is usually quite wet already and a plasticiser if you need it, it makes the mortar more workable. If mixing by hand make sure the sand and cement is well combined before adding any water. Make a puddle on n the middle of your mix and gradually combine the water turning the pile from left to right and back with a shovel until thoroughly mixed. Only mix what you need and try to avoid remixing with more water if it goes off.
Don't use washing up liquid as a plasticiser whatever anyone tells you. It weakens the mix."
Answered on 11th May 2021 - Member since Jul 2020 - report
"Simple enough, follow the advice written on any cement bag. Depends on what you want the mix for mainly.
Always use a mixer tool or machine. Try to get a really consistent mix."
Answered on 17th Jan 2022 - Member since Dec 2021 - report
"Either 3 parts sand 1 part cement for foundation work or 4 parts sand and 1 cement for superstructures always with the use of a mortar plasticer additive. Mixture should look like cream once ready not too dry and not too wet and best done in a mixer although for smaller jobs could be done in a large tub with a paddle mixer on a slower setting."
Answered on 11th May 2021 - Member since Jan 2021 - report
"You can mix in a cement mixer 5 sand to 1 cement put 1/2 bucket of water first then add water to the mix so it's the right consistency you can also use a plasticiser with this which makes the mortar easier to use"
Answered on 10th Nov 2021 - Member since Nov 2021 - report
"4 to 1 sand and cement below d.p.c and 5 to 1 above d.p.c"
Answered on 11th May 2021 - Member since May 2019 - report
"It is very easy to mix cement 4 sand and one cement ad water slowly"
Answered on 9th Jul 2022 - Member since Dec 2021 - report
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