Chimney breast removed

We are looking to purchase a bungalow which has already had the chimney breast removed, but our survey has revealed that the remaining chimney breast in the loft has not been secured properly and is supported by pieces of wood on the joists!
Also there are no building certificates or party wall agreements for this work so could be a legal nightmare.
Would it be viable to correct this problem or maybe just rebuild the fireplace and install a wood burner at the same time?

Asked by Michael on 7th Jan 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"Hi micheal

Yes you do have both options, supports with timber in the loft areas can be replaced with structural gallo brackets( steel) second choice is you can rebuild chimney breast to apply log burner to suit your choice.

Kind regards
Trowel Team Plus"
Answered on 7th Jan 2024 - Member since Oct 2016 - report
"You could possibly install gallows brackets under the original chimney leaving u alot more leeway on the purchase of a fire
Get structural engineer to give u calcs Hooe helps"
Answered on 7th Jan 2024 - Member since Mar 2020 - report
"both your answer are correct depending on the cost you have for your project is the proper answer to you question as a builder i could do any rebuild stack or remove whats there"
Answered on 1st Jul 2024 - Member since Jun 2024 - report
"Hi, The neighbours should have been consulted before the removal work started that would cover any party wall issues. Once in the loft space the remaining chimney breast should be supported on " Gallow brackets " made of steel angle iron to stop anymore brickwork from dropping. You used to be able to buy gallow brackets from builders merchants, but I haven't looked for some time now. Your vendor would be responsible for the fix, untill you own the property."
Answered on 5th Feb 2024 - Member since Jan 2024 - report
"It is possible possible to correct chimney breast problem unless you want to rebuild but this will be cost definitely more then secured already removed chimney breast.
Depend what wall is it. If is just additional wall build from plasterbards that shouldn't be problem but If structural part of building was changed then might be an issue. This all depend of what was changed."
Answered on 7th Jan 2024 - Member since May 2023 - report
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