Accessing drainage pipe on leaking shower

Our shower is leaking through the ceiling. We've tried resealing it, but it still leaks so we think it might be the drainage pipes but I can't see how to access them without taking the tray out. Is this normal?

Asked by Sarath on 23rd Jan 2023
Expert Trade Answers
"Hi, even if you’re confident that the seal around the tray is sound, you may do another test by running the shower directly into the waste, without letting the water touching the walls, and see if is still dripping trough.
If it does, the next step is to cut the ceiling to see where the fault is and repair it."
Answered on 3rd Feb 2023 - Member since Feb 2023 - report
"There are specialist leak detection companies who can use thermal imaging, dye and other methods to best detect the source of a leak without having to damage anything.
Should you have to remove the shower tray to access a leak then it would be best to do this via your insurers as it is likely the cost of works disturbed would exceed your policy excess"
Answered on 23rd Jan 2023 - Member since Jan 2021 - report
"You could make a square hole in the ceiling keeping the piece to put back after."
Answered on 23rd Jan 2023 - Member since Sep 2022 - report
"hi should be access to the waste pipes under shower tray .no is not normal"
Answered on 31st Jan 2023 - Member since Jan 2023 - report
"If the shower tray is raised above floor level approximately 100mm (4”) there should be a access panel between bottom of shower and floor, if not the only option would be to remove a small section of the ceiling directly below the shower tray, normally a 4” hole drilled into the ceiling would suffice to carry out an inspection."
Answered on 23rd Jan 2023 - Member since Sep 2021 - report
"usually with jobs like this id access it from the ceiling its best option unless there no access, as it could be the trap under shower tray or waste pipe not connected correctly"
Answered on 1st Feb 2023 - Member since Feb 2023 - report
"the only way is to remove the shower tray and inspect behind it unfortunately."
Answered on 4th Feb 2023 - Member since Jun 2022 - report
"Yes, this is normal. Showers leak.
Speak to your Plumber"
Answered on 2nd Feb 2023 - Member since Jan 2017 - report
"Is the shower tray sitting flat to the floor if o shower tray will have to be removed,f it’s on feet there should be a plastic trim around remove trim and gain access to waste .the quickest way is to knock hole in sealing were water stain is ."
Answered on 5th Feb 2023 - Member since Jan 2023 - report
"Yes that’s a usually the issue customers have with scenario as all drainage pipes will not be visible without making access first. I’d all ways advise checking the shower area waterproof sealant first, then check the the shower cubicle had been installed correctly. After these checks if then advise drain pipes will require inspecting."
Answered on 27th Jan 2023 - Member since Jan 2023 - report
"This is common unfortunately you might be better going in from the ceiling below to rectify the problem and plaster patch back in afterwards."
Answered on 24th Jan 2023 - Member since Sep 2019 - report
"Consider cutting a 200mm inspection hatch in the ceiling below. Or if you have access to a inspection camera drill a hole and use that instead for minimal disruption."
Answered on 23rd Jan 2023 - Member since Sep 2022 - report
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