55in TV wall mounted on plasterboard wall

I have a 55in Oled TV I'm wanting to mount on my wall. The mounted wall is a plasterboard wall. The TV weight according to specs listed on Samsung website is 16kg and the mounted bracket is 2kg. Would a plasterboard wall be strong enough to hold this type of weight if studs can't be located?

Asked by Jamie on 29th Feb 2024
Expert Trade Answers
"If you use a toggle type plasterboard fixing
And use all the recommended holes in the fixing plates then yes is is fine"
Answered on 29th Feb 2024 - Member since Sep 2020 - report
"Plenty strong enough, use GripIt plasterboard fixings and you'll have no issues. I'd also use a bracket that's close to the wall, you don't want 16kg out on a swing arm, the further from the wall it goes the weight will be pulling the fixings out rather than down."
Answered on 29th Feb 2024 - Member since Dec 2023 - report
"I recommend for a plasterboard wall GeeFix great design for these types of walls.

Kind regards"
Answered on 29th Feb 2024 - Member since Feb 2022 - report
"If the studs can be located and your wall bracket adjustable to suit then no need to worry about the plasterboard. If not however, then you need specific hollow wall fastenings such as self-screwing butterfly wall plugs with some brands capable of 25kg vertical loads."
Answered on 6th Mar 2024 - Member since Jan 2022 - report
"Answer that special fixings are sufficient to hold 18kg is correct only in case when you will just hung TV and never touch it again. Any repeating movement sooner or later can cause problems. If this is a case additional reinforcement or finding studwork is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED"
Answered on 5th Mar 2024 - Member since Feb 2022 - report
"Hi, I believe it would, if you use anchor wall fixings, then this should give you a good fixing into the plasterboard. I use these fixings on plasterboard for TV's and chimney hoods."
Answered on 5th Mar 2024 - Member since Aug 2021 - report
"Yes sure thing it is possible just use "Grip- it tv plag" Plus you still have a chance to catch the o what your partition made of?"
Answered on 29th Feb 2024 - Member since May 2017 - report
"it would yes it would hold without any issues"
Answered on 29th Feb 2024 - Member since Jan 2024 - report
"No the plasterboard isn’t strong enough you will need to find the timber studs or fit additional studs to screw into"
Answered on 1st Mar 2024 - Member since Jan 2024 - report
"wall. The mounted wall is a plasterboard wall. The TV weight according to specs listed on Samsung website is 16kg and the mounted bracket is 2kg. Would a plasterboard wall be strong enough to hold this type of weight if studs can't be locat"
Answered on 2nd Mar 2024 - Member since Jan 2024 - report
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