When should I trim my tree?

When a tree grows to a certain height, am I obligated to trim it? What does the law say regarding the size of trees on a property that is surrounded by other homes?

Asked by Lou on 13th Dec 2021
Expert Trade Answers
"the best time to prune or trim trees is during the winter months. From November through March,"
Answered on 13th Dec 2021 - Member since Nov 2021 - report
"You can trim it anytime you like
The law states that the tree belongs to you and any damage caused by it ie storm damage you are liable"
Answered on 13th Dec 2021 - Member since Feb 2021 - report
"This matter all depends on the type of tree and the area the tree grows in. Some trees may have PTO orders in place which prevents any maintenance unless deemed unsafe or you have permission from the courts to carry works out. Law states on most tree overhangs may be reduced back to boundary lines and waste can legally be placed back in the garden the tree is situated in, this goes for hedges and shrubs too. The height of a tree isn’t an issue unless preventing light from a property and again you would need to consult tree officers before work commences if the tree in question doesn’t belong to you or in the land that isn’t in rights."
Answered on 13th Dec 2021 - Member since May 2021 - report
"As long as it’s in your boundary you are obligated to trim as long as it’s not a wildlife tree we’re it’s protected by the council but the tree would have to be on a pathway or residential in an open space"
Answered on 13th Dec 2021 - Member since Nov 2021 - report
"From November to end of January is a good time to trim and pruning of overgrown trees"
Answered on 17th Dec 2021 - Member since Aug 2020 - report
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