What is thermal lag?

Could you explain to me what the term thermal lag means?

Asked by Carol on 28th Jun 2021
Expert Trade Answers
"Thermal lag describes a body's temperature with respect to time as a result of its thermal mass. A body with a high thermal mass will have a large thermal lag."
Answered on 23rd Mar 2022 - Member since Mar 2022 - report
"Thermal lag is the time delay for heat to be conducted through a material. A material with high heat capacity and low conductivity will have a high thermal lag. I hope this helped"
Answered on 28th Jun 2021 - Member since Jun 2021 - report
"Thermal lag measures the time it takes walling materials to lose heat through walls all materials have different thermal lag times I hope this answers your question regards Roy Clarke"
Answered on 28th Jun 2021 - Member since Sep 2020 - report
"A thermal lag (also known as a thermal bridge) is an element of a building partition with a much higher heat conduction coefficient than its neighboring elements. As a result of this feature, the partition is cooled down to a point at the temperature difference inside and outside the building. Thus, an increased, uncontrolled loss of heat occurs through the thermal lag. It is directly proportional to the size of the thermal lag. In the place where the thermal lag/bridge is formed, the temperature of the wall surface often drops to such an extent (at low outside temperatures) that the dew point temperature of water vapor condensation is exceeded. This phenomenon carries a high risk of dampness on the walls of the room and many other negative consequences."
Answered on 28th Jun 2021 - Member since Mar 2020 - report
"It describes a bodies temperature with respect to its time and mass in any areas of placement."
Answered on 26th Jul 2021 - Member since Jul 2021 - report
"Hope this explains this is about as simple as I can make it.

Thermal lag is the name given to the stored heat being released from the material as the ambient temperature decreases. So thermal mass is a material that stores energy and how long that energy is stored as surrounding temperature change is called thermal lag."
Answered on 11th Jul 2021 - Member since Jul 2014 - report
"On pipework its insulted water mains or gas mains have to be thermal lagged"
Answered on 13th Jul 2021 - Member since Jul 2021 - report
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