Opening up a bricked up fireplace?


I was wondering about the logistics of opening up a bricked up fireplace. This will purely be decorative so the chimney won't need to be opened, just the fireplace itself so that an antique surround can be inserted.

- I was wondering if this is likely to need any sort of planning approval?
- How long it would usually take to open up a fireplace?
- Rough ballpark of how much it should cost?

Many thanks

Asked by Jack on 14th Nov 2023
Expert Trade Answers
"It will not need planning approval.

It would normally take anywhere between 1-2 days depending on what’s behind and sizes you want it making to.

Cost wise again would probably between £500-1000"
Answered on 14th Nov 2023 - Member since Feb 2020 - report
"No planning needed . Cost should be less than £500"
Answered on 14th Nov 2023 - Member since Sep 2023 - report
"No need to open it. It is dangerous to light a fire in an old fireplace. It's nice to have a real fireplace and a safe one. When the electricity is on, then I can cook eggs in the fireplace. Now you only want optical illusions."
Answered on 14th May 2024 - Member since Apr 2024 - report
"You should not require planning for this and would take 1-2days your looking at around £500"
Answered on 22nd Jan 2024 - Member since Feb 2023 - report
"No planning required, hard to price, could be anywhere from £500- £1500"
Answered on 14th Nov 2023 - Member since May 2019 - report
"No planning needed £450 to do I done couple before and just covered hole to stop the cold coming down"
Answered on 15th Nov 2023 - Member since Aug 2023 - report
"Hi Jack
In regards to planning approval, you don’t need it! As there will be a lintel supporting the brick work above.
I estimate that it is about a day 1/2 work to complete maximum. I think that you would be looking at around £400. If you require to put a lintel in higher up to make the opening bigger you would be looking at around £600.
I hope this is helpful to you. Nicky Smith"
Answered on 15th Nov 2023 - Member since Jun 2023 - report
"Will not need planning, as it's small and you can build anything at max if 3meters in length and width. Like a simple extension at rear of house."
Answered on 13th Jul 2024 - Member since Jun 2024 - report
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