Keypad vs key tag locks

We're moving into an office inside a building that's currently being refurbished. We've been given a choice of a keypad or key tag lock. But I've no idea which is better for staff and security. The front of the building is being manned in the daytime and alarmed at night. Any recommendations?

Asked by kashif on 13th Dec 2022
Expert Trade Answers
"Each key tag can be given its own identity so you will know who has been arming and disarming the alarm. For staff and security this is a more secure way to give them access to the alarm"
Answered on 13th Dec 2022 - Member since Feb 2022 - report
"Keypad will prove to be more robust, less tech issues and generally more secure
GLS Locksmith Solutions"
Answered on 13th Dec 2022 - Member since Dec 2022 - report
"It realistically boils down what is best for you and the day to day runnings of your office. If your staff are quite active, in and out of the office tags may be the option for better flow. However, this is less secure because there is always the risk of losing the tag. If you hold valuable goods on your premises maybe security should be higher on your priority list. Codes can always be changed and tags can be deprogrammed, so your focus should be what works best for your business."
Answered on 13th Dec 2022 - Member since Jun 2021 - report
"Key tag is better because it is easy for a code to be seen being typed in and can also be shared much easier. The tag has to be physically given to people so it’s harder lose control of who has access."
Answered on 18th Dec 2022 - Member since Oct 2017 - report
"Keypad I would say you will have less issues with than key tags"
Answered on 4th Jan 2023 - Member since Nov 2022 - report
"Both are safe to use

Keypad will be easy access with key pad number combination."
Answered on 13th Dec 2022 - Member since May 2019 - report
"Potentially a key tag would allow you to see who is entering your office by knowing which tag has been used where as a key pad would not. Its down to your personal preference but from a monitoring point of view the tag has more functionality"
Answered on 14th Dec 2022 - Member since Dec 2022 - report
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