pond installation

How much would it cost to install a garden pond about 5x8?

Asked by Claire on 15th Jul 2019
Expert Trade Answers
"Depending on the trader it should be between £100 to £1500 unless you have your own unique plan in mind."
Answered on 13th Nov 2019 - Member since Jun 2019 - report
"Hi for a pond you will need to consider a few factors in addition to size that will help traders to provide you with a more accurate quote. For example: water features, water fountain, filter system, earth removal and disposal, stone decorations etc. This is why there is a fairly wide variance in the estimates being provided.

Hope this helps, any questions please feel free to ask."
Answered on 15th Jul 2020 - Member since Jul 2020 - report
"All depends on the pond size depth etc if it’s a simple one from garden center may not cost as much but size and how much detail features will effect the price"
Answered on 18th Aug 2020 - Member since Aug 2019 - report
"Here at PJR Property Services we offer this service starting at 600 you can find someone to do much cheaper but this will likely be poorly constructed and cost a lot more in the long run with all the repairs that will need to be done"
Answered on 14th Jul 2020 - Member since May 2020 - report
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