Fire doors front door

How can I check if my front door is a fire door? Thanks for your help in advance.

Asked by Jo on 25th Aug 2021
Expert Trade Answers
"If it is a fire check door it will have a label on the very top of the door as well as coloured plastic plugs denoting if it is a FD30 or FD60 the number denoting 30 minutes or 60 minutes."
Answered on 25th Aug 2021 - Member since Aug 2021 - report
"If it's a fire door should have a label with a certificate on it...something with FD30.....60, depends on the door."
Answered on 30th Nov 2021 - Member since Nov 2021 - report
"Hi there,

Most fire doors have a label showing their certification on the top, side or bottom edges.
Over long periods fire-doors may have been re-painted, so it's worth checking for any raised surfaces on all the edges, or there isn't a visible label.

Hope it helps."
Answered on 2nd Sep 2021 - Member since Aug 2021 - report
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