Adding scale reducer and central heating inhibitor

Should I add scale reducer and central heating inhibitor to my heating system? And must they be added on separate days/how long between adding these products?

Asked by Pete on 23rd Jun 2022
Expert Trade Answers
"A scale reducer is cut into the pipework, on the cold main, and the inhibitors should be added into the central heating side. A heating engineer will be able to test the levels of inhibitors within the system to determine whether you need to add more or not. Both can be done at the same time"
Answered on 24th Jun 2022 - Member since Aug 2017 - report
"Yes you should but not on separate day you can added in same day and same time"
Answered on 29th Jun 2022 - Member since Jul 2020 - report
"I would add a scale reducer in hard water area if needed. System would need to be flushed out with chemicals first by either a hot flush or a power flush depending on the condition of the water and sludge. Inhibitor to be added after but using the same manufacturer as cleaner so no chemical reaction later causing leaks."
Answered on 27th Jun 2022 - Member since Jun 2022 - report
"Yes definitely add both of these to enhance the life of your boiler,"
Answered on 27th Jun 2022 - Member since May 2021 - report
"I would personally just add inhibitor or even before inhibitor and a flush out chemical a cleanser add this allow 3 days then flush out then add inhibitor that stays in the system"
Answered on 26th Jun 2022 - Member since Apr 2022 - report
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