Accepting & Rejecting Jobs

Accepting Jobs

We send jobs to you via email, sms and you can view them on your MyJobQuote account. To view a lead you don't have to be logged in if you have been sent the lead via an sms or email. You can click the link in the email or sms and you will see the lead without customer contact information.

At the top there are 2 buttons, accept and reject. All of our leads are priced including VAT and this is clear before you click accept. When you click accept you will be told again the price of the lead, be asked to tick our terms and conditions and then click Purchase Job.

Once purchased you will be redirected to the job when you will see the customer's contact information. This information will also be emailed to you so you have a record of the purchased job.

Rejecting Jobs

If you don't like the look of the job, you are too busy or have other reasons you would like to reject you can click the red reject button. Upon clicking reject you will see a list of reasons. Selecting a reason will help us send you jobs more relevant to you. It is important for you to reject jobs you don't like but we understand that this is not always possible. Just reject when you can and give accurate reasons and the system send you more relevant jobs.

Raising a complaint

After you have purchased a job if you have an issue with the lead you can raise a complaint. The link for this is where you clicked accept when you first purchased the job. You can read more about our dispute policies in our dedicated disputes page.

Reviewed by MyJobQuote on 27th April 2017.

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