You can access your invoices and statements of account from within your account. Select Billing and then select Invoices or Statements to view all of your previous transactions.
Invoices for the months activity will be viewable by the first working day of the month following activity. You will also be emailed an invoice so you have a record of your transactions.
If you want to look into your transactions in more detail you can look at your charges report. This shows you what you were charged, when and for which jobs. If you have any billing issues it is best to check this first before raising a ticket.
If you believe there are issues with what you have been charged or refunded then please contact our support team. Please give us as much detail about the charges or jobs you are having issues with so that we can assist you quickly.
To add a card to your account, login and visit the My Billing section. You can click the Payment Methods link and from here you will be able to add a card.
We accept all major credit and debit cards and require you to enter, your name, long card number, last 3 digits on the back of the card as well as expiry date.
In addition to these details we also ask for your postcode and then for you to select your address. This address must match the address your card is registered to.
If you wish to add more than one card you can click the Payment Methods page and view your existing cards as well as add another. If you have a preference on which card we should try to charge first you can set that card to be the "main" card.
If you wish to remove a card from the service you have to first add a new payment card. You can do this by clicking the Payment Methods page. If you wish to remove all payment details you will need to contact us.
There are several reasons why we might not be able to add your card. Unfortunately we will need to discuss this with you directly. Before contacting us you might want to:
It is often the cardholders bank that stops some online transactions and so we normally recommend talking to your bank to make sure that the card is usable online and has no markers stopping it being used.
Sometimes we are unable to process the card we hold on file which means we stop you from purchasing further jobs until it is resolved.
To resolve this issue add another card, check with your bank that the account is in good standing and if you still have issues then please contact us.
We use a secure connection on all of the pages within My Account. In addition to this we use Stripe as our payment processor who also have their own world class security. We do not store any card information on our website. If you have any questions about security and safety then please get in touch with us.
We only accept payment online through credit or debit card. The reason for this is charges are automatically taken based on the jobs you purchase, this is to keep your account in good standing and to stop interruptions in service.
Reviewed by MyJobQuote on 27th April 2017.