How to Fix a Blocked Sink

By Kim
Last updated 18th March 2021 - Reading time: 7 mins

Knowing how to fix a blocked sink can help you save time and money by unblocking the sink yourself. Check out this handy how to guide, which is easy to follow.

How to fix a blocked sink

What Tools Do I Need to Fix a Blocked Sink?

Below is a list of the tools that you will need to fix your blocked sink:

  • Blaster cup
  • Plumbers snake
  • Stiff wire
  • Cloth
  • Bucket

What Safety Equipment Do I Need to Repair a Blocked Sink?

Depending on the type of blockage in your sink and the stubbornness of the blockage, you may need to use a drain cleaner to complete the job effectively.

How to Prepare for a Blocked Sink Repair

To prepare to unclog a sink, you should begin by ensuring you have all of the tools and materials needed to complete the job. To prepare to unclog a sink, you should begin by ensuring you have all of the tools and materials needed to complete the job.

How to Fix a Blocked Sink Yourself

Below is a step by step guide on how to repair a blocked sink:

Step 1

Place your blaster cup over the plug hole and then block the overflow with a wet cloth.

how to fix a blocked sink step 1

Step 2

Pump using the pump on the blaster cup. After a few plunges, the blockage should then clear.

how to fix a blocked sink step 2

Step 3

If this fails to unblock the sink, try using a liquid drain cleaner. Be sure to follow the instructions on the bottle.

how to fix a blocked sink step 3

Step 4

Repeat using the liquid drain cleaner a few times and then rinse it away with some warm water.

how to fix a blocked sink step 4

Step 5

If the blockage persists, try using a plumber’s snake. Carefully push the snake down the drain and when you reach the obstruction, pull, twist, and push until the blockage is removed. Then rinse with water to remove any remaining debris.

how to fix a blocked sink step 5

Step 6

If none of the above options work, you will have to go underneath the sink and unblock it from there. Be sure to turn the water off before you attempt this.

how to fix a blocked sink step 6

Step 7

Place a bucket under the trap pipe to catch water when you remove it. Unscrew the trap and remove it and then empty the water into your bucket.

how to fix a blocked sink step 7

Step 8

Rinse the trap out and use a stiff wire to unblock it. Then, replace the trap and screw it back into place. Don’t forget to turn the water supply back on once you’ve finished.

how to fix a blocked sink step 8

Blocked Sink Causes

There are several possible causes for blocked sinks. Below is a list of the most common causes of a clogged sink and how to prevent or fix these issues:

Hair Blockage

Hair is one of the most common causes of drain blockages. It can easily bind with grease and other sticky substances to cause significant blockages in the drain and pipes. The best way to fix this issue is to try your best to prevent it in the first place.

The best course of action is to have a drain guard on your drains to catch any hair before it can collect in the pipes. Be sure to clear your drain guards regularly.

Soap Blockages

Soap bars often include ingredients made from grease or fat, which can combine with the minerals in water and leave behind a solid residue. This is known as soap scum and can clog the pipes. Have your pipes pressure cleaned on a regular basis to avoid the build-up of soap in the pipes.

Small Objects

Small objects can make their way into the plumbing system and cause a lot of problems. You need to make sure that any solid objects are disposed of in your bin and not down the sink drain. If any small objects do get stuck in your pipes and cause issues, then you’ll most likely need a professional to come in and clear it.

Food Blockage

Food should never go into the sink. It can collect in the pipes and cause blockages and bad smells. Avoid putting any food into your sink by scraping away food waste into the bin before washing up.

Sink Maintenance

Below are some tips on how to maintain your sink:

  • Run hot water through the sink after each time you use it - Hot water will help to flush any product or blockages in the pipes rather than allowing them to build up.
  • Throw baking soda into the drain and follow it with hot water - Baking soda is a great cleaning agent and will keep the inside of your pipes nice and clean and will avoid any possibilities of bad smells arising.
  • Clean your sink regularly - Clean your sink regularly to ensure that it stays in the best shape that it possibly can.
  • Pour some vinegar down the sink and let it sit there for 30 minutes, then flush it out with hot water - This will help to clean out the pipes and will remove any build-up of bad materials in the pipes to prevent clogging.

How to Remove a Sink

If you have a broken sink, you may want to completely remove it to make way for a new sink. If this is the case, take the below steps to fully remove your sink:

  1. Turn off your water supply and then turn the faucets on to remove the water pressure in the lines.
  2. Loosen and remove the nuts that connect the faucets to the upper end of the water supply lines. This will free up the supply lines.
  3. Put a bucket underneath the drain trap and then loosen the nut that connects the vertical tailpiece to the sink trap.
  4. Twist off the second nut that connects to the trap on the other end and pull the trap loose.
  5. Remove the sink and the cabinet that supports it, leaving behind just the drainpipe stub and the water supply line stubs.
  6. Shut off the main water supply to the house and then turn on the faucet at the lowest part of the house to bleed out the pressure from within the water lines.
  7. Cut both of the water supply lines off where they enter the wall or floor using a hacksaw.
  8. Fit appropriate supply line caps over each end of the cut off lines.
  9. Cut the remaining drainpipe stub that sits beneath the subfloor or within the wall and cap it off to finish the job.


What causes a blocked bathroom sink?

The most common causes of a blocked bathroom sink are hair blockages and soap blockages.

What causes a blocked kitchen sink?

The most common causes of a blocked kitchen sink are food blockages and small object blockages.

How long does it take to replace a kitchen sink?

On average, it will take a professional around 1.5-2 hours to replace a kitchen sink.

Why is there a foul smell coming from my kitchen sink?

Build-ups of food and debris can get stuck in your drain resulting in a build-up of bacteria that can give off an unpleasant smell. Prevent this by cleaning your drains often and avoiding putting food down your sink.

Can you replace a kitchen sink and keep the old countertop?

You can. However, the sink will usually need to be replaced on a like for like size.


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